Recommendations from Civil Society on SDG 4.3 and SDG 4.4

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4th Asia Pacific Meeting on Education 2030 (APMED 4) that was held from 12-13 July in Bangkok.

There was a pre-APMED 4 meeting for Asia Pacific civil society organizations from met to brainstorm on the issues to be debated at APMED 4 and to strategies and agree on common advocacies from the Asia Pacific. Then there was a National Coordinator’s meeting that was held after APMED 4.

ANEC representing CSOs active in education sector of Afghanistan in CSO Pre-APMED4 and APMED meeting well organized by Asia South Pacific Association for Basic and Adult Education (ASPBAE) to provide recommendation on SDG 4.3 envisions “By 2030, ensure equal access for all women and men to affordable and quality technical, vocational and tertiary education, including university.”  And SDG 4.4 aim is “By 2030, substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship.”

The pre-APMED meeting saw the active participation of over 25 national civil society education coalitions from the region, many of them ASPBAE members. The participants agreed a core set of recommendations to APMED 4 which guided their lobbying and advocacy efforts within this important policy space.

The theme of this year’s APMED (4) was Transforming Learning – Meeting the skills demand to achieve SDGs in the Asia Pacific’. It specifically focused on SDG Target 4.3 and Target 4.4, and explored progress and challenges towards implementing and monitoring skills development and outcomes through formal, non-formal, and informal education.

Following are some civil society reflections at the conclusion of APMDED 4:

  • The pre-APMED meeting was useful for identifying issues beforehand to be well-equipped during the formal sessions;
  • The recommendations paper that was agreed upon during the pre-APMED civil society meeting provided coalitions talking points and boosted confidence in intervening in discussions and influencing others;
  • Civil society presence set a high standard among participants from sub-regional groups and parallel workshops;
  • Follow through will help in assuring proper coordination institutionalizing recommendations.

Please kindly find attached the Final Regional Recommendation for Action 4th APMED.

CSO Recommendations for APMED IV - Final - 12 July 2018

Final Regional Recommendation for Action 4th APMED

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